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Dependency Injection


@wroud/di is a powerful dependency injection (DI) library inspired by the .NET framework and implemented in pure JavaScript. It leverages modern JavaScript features, including optional decorators and explicit resource management, to provide a robust and flexible DI system suitable for a wide range of applications. It also supports legacy decorators from TypeScript, ensuring broad compatibility.

Key Features

  • Small Bundle Size: Only 5kB (minified), ensuring minimal overhead.
  • Flexible DI: Supports multiple service injections, disposals, and various lifetimes.
  • Modern Decorators: Clean and maintainable code with powerful decorators.
  • Service Lifetimes: Singleton, transient, and scoped lifetimes.
  • Ease of Use: Quick start without extensive knowledge.
  • Environment Compatibility: Works in any JavaScript environment (browser, Node.js, etc.).

Advanced Features

Multiple Service Injection

Inject multiple services seamlessly for flexible dependency management.

Resource Management and Disposal

Efficiently manage and dispose of services, adhering to TC39 proposal for explicit resource management, ensuring predictable resource handling and proper cleanup.

Decorator Support

Optional use of TC39 proposal-decorators (stage 3) for intuitive dependency management. Also supports legacy decorators from TypeScript for broad compatibility.


You may need the following polyfills for full compatibility:

  • Decorators: Required for environments without native decorator support. Learn more
  • WeakMap: For environments that do not support WeakMap.
  • Promise: For environments that do not support modern Promises.
  • Dispose: For explicit resource management. Learn more

Released under the MIT License.